Environmentally & Ecologically Sustainable farming 

Come Fishing Silver Perch, no license required Buy yabbies for stocking Dams, Live fishing bait. Pet yabbies for sale, School and Public Farm Tours, Yabby Farming Yabby Fishing, Stock your dam with our FASTER growing yabby yabbies. Delivery Available NSW and VIC Buy Yabbies Faster Growing Yabby Yabbies for farm Dams Ask us About yabbies. Free Farm Tours for Schools, Grow Yabbies for Profit

Farm Development Program 

February 2021: Commercial management plan for Stages 1, 2 & 3 submitted
to DPI Fisheries.
March 2021: DPI Fisheries in principle approval received.
March 2021: Council DA application submitted.
Aug 2021: - DA for Stage 1 and 3 approved.
November 2021: LLS draft clearing certificate for Stage 2 issued - submitted for final approval.
November 2021: - Contractor advised significant delay in works commencing.
November 2021: New head contractor appointed - Stage 1 now estimated to be completed end Jan 2022 - 4 months ahead of schedule.
December 2021: Construction of New Crayling Hatchery building completed.
January 2022: Delays due to covid work est to start early Feb.
February 2022 : Work commenced on stage 1.
February 2022: Local land Sevices Land Clearing certificate issued for Stage 2
February 2022 :Contractor appointed for development works stage 2 and 3.
March 2022: DA lodged for stage 2.
April: 2022  DA Stage 2 approved
May: Stage 3 Construction commenced.
March to present: Significant weather events delaying completion stages 1 & 2
June: Partial works on stage 4 commenced.