Environmentally & Ecologically Sustainable farming 

Come Fishing Silver Perch, no license required Buy yabbies for stocking Dams, Live fishing bait. Pet yabbies for sale, School and Public Farm Tours, Yabby Farming Yabby Fishing, Stock your dam with our FASTER growing yabby yabbies. Delivery Available NSW and VIC Buy Yabbies Faster Growing Yabby Yabbies for farm Dams Ask us About yabbies. Free Farm Tours for Schools, Grow Yabbies for Profit

Commercial farming

(growing for sale to the public) falls into 2 categories, Semi Intensive & Intensive

Semi intensive and Intensive farming is where a greater level of management is used to produce larger numbers of yabbies.

This involves stocking ponds at higher densities, feeding and protecting the crop and using good genetic stock.

This type farming will produce higher levels of crayfish but at a lot higher cost in food and labour, etc

Yabby farming is something that you can do at your pace and at your level of input so very attractive to most people.

This means that more rules and regulations will apply to this type of farming.

This type of farming requires a class D aquaculture permit from NSW Fisheries

Yabby Dabba Doo provide consulting services (your farm or ours) for farmers or individuals considering taking up yabby farming for profit or as a hobby.

In NSW you do not need any special permits to grow yabbies for your family and yourself. An aquaculture permit is required if you wish to sell yabbies to the public.

Yabby Farming in NSW

Grow Yabbies for Profit